11 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating on You πŸ€«πŸ’”

1. When your partner is likely cheating on you behind your back, you will notice that gradually their calls and texts to you reduce. You are just not on their mind anymore!

2. If he don’t want s*x from you, it means he is getting his needs met somewhere else. After all, we are human.

3. They don’t compliment you or look seductively at you. Slowly, they start taking you for granted. It doesn’t matter whether you are there for them or not.

4. He cancels plans. You will hear excuses that he had a tiring day, he is not ready to spend a lot on exotic cuisine and so on.

5. They lie about where and with whom they are. You might just catch them making up alibis for themselves.

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6. They don’t want commitment with you. A person who is cheating on his partner doesn’t likely want to get tied up in anything serious so he can get out of the relationship whenever he wants.

7. You just know. Talk about a woman’s gut instinct!

8. He likes or comments on another girl’s social media pics a lot. He may also be sending friend requests to other girls. You can catch such activity by creating a fake profile of yourself and sending him a friend request.

9. His phone is always busy. Coz they’re busy making sweet talk to the girl who will replace you as his GF.

10. They don’t see your stories on IG. If this is happening, consider the breakup is already there.

11. They make up for their presence with gifts. That’s their guilt conscience talking.

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