5 Reasons Fighter Pilots are the Coolest 🛩

Let’s face it: fighter pilots have always been and will always be respected and desired by the opposite sex.

Here are 5 reasons why fighter pilots are the coolest.

1. They are trained to fly aircrafts worth millions of dollars. Their governments trust them with being able to survive a dogfight and also bring the aircraft to the ground without any damage.

2. They own the coolest uniform and flight helmets. What can I say about how dashing they look in their flying overalls with their helmets in their hands!

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3. They are super fun company! Every girl who has ever dated a fighter pilot knows this. They are not even remotely afraid of death.

4. Fighter pilots know the value of time and are punctual to the T. No more worrying about whether he’s gonna be late to the date!

5. They are gentlemen warriors. Fighter pilots know how to treat a girl like a lady.

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